Our mission is to be a catalyst for a new renaissance of Christianity and the arts by cultivating a growing community of artists, patrons, churches, and organizations across the nation; by equipping the whole church to embrace the arts; and by creating content that promotes a new renaissance. We live in a world where people are looking for purpose and the meaning of life. Art has the power to touch people’s hearts and minds because it connects with the imagination and is one of the ways that we can bring the hope of the gospel to our world.
Who Are We
Imagine a new renaissance that is led by faith-driven artists, patrons, churches, and organizations who are committed to bringing the beauty of the gospel to local communities across the nation and around the world through the arts. We believe that God is raising up a new generation of Spirit-filled artists who are called to reflect the glory of God through their arts.
Creo Arts is a Christian nonprofit organization that was founded to be a catalyst for a new renaissance of Christianity and the arts. The word Creo means to “create” in Latin, and it means “I believe” in Spanish.
Our vision is to inspire beauty, goodness and truth through the arts.
We are dedicated to creating beautiful art, media, and content that reflect the beauty, goodness and truth of the Gospel for today’s world. (Psalm 27:4).
We cultivate collaborative relationships for artists, patrons, churches, and organizations to partner together to bring the arts to local communities across the nation. (Acts 2:42).
We commission, support, and encourage artists to create artwork that tells the Christian story for a new generation. (Matthew 28:16-20).
We practice hospitality and generosity in everything we do, promoting all forms of arts for the flourishing of the church and the world. (Acts 20:35).
We foster unity across the whole church by building bridges among denominations and traditions through creating faith-inspired arts. (John 17:21).